Friday, June 1, 2012

The Warren Way

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Not to far from Ballina, there is a lovely walk known as the Warren Way.  It lies north of Ballina on the way to Enniscrone, when you travel the Quay Road,with an address of Castleconnor.  A small car park is located on the left side of the road, to facilitate access to the walk.

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This peaceful location, provides access to a wide range of habitat.  The way is tree-lined either side, with natural cover provided by magnificent trees overhanging the path.
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Woodbine (honeysuckle) grows at the start of the route & during the summer blooms profusely, lending a wonderful scent to the evening air.  Bees are particularly industrious in this area, due to the flowers peeping through in the hedgerows.
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The habitat consists of woodland, farmland, freshwater marsh and estuarine mudflats, where the coastline borders the River Moy.  This diversity provides a home for a rich range of flora & fauna.

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The sounds of nature surround you, as you amble along and you can’t help, but fall into step with Nature.
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I have noticed a Fairy Tree, has appeared along the path.  A dedicated individual, has chosen to hide a Fairy in a little recess in a tree. If you walk here, you too may find this hidden Fairy.
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The Warren Way, County Sligo

Map picture

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Content may not be duplicated or reproduced in any form without express written consent.